
Khiraly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Sven wanted me to work on a new set of brushes
> >From Photoshop:
> I have saved all the brush, but in Photoshop7 the brush cannot be edited
> (I can only delete, rename and create a new, but cant edite).
>   The other problem, that in ps isnt the same all the cast of brush.
> So I have made many click, and selected the nicest shape ...
>   I will post all the .abr(photoshop brushes), and all the .png at the
> web. And the converted too(.gbr)
>   I will make a proposition what brush should we keep and which should
> be delete(pepper, sparks, vine, the gimp, etc).
>   I have egally looked at the link what Sven have mentioned. I will
> include them too.
>   I looked for freely downloadable brushes on the net (only GPL) and
> indeed found some. 

I don't think we should copy any brushes from Photoshop. That would be
a very bad idea. I also did give you the link to the charcoal brushes
with the intention that you redistribute these brushes in any way.

We need brushes that are free. So if you want to help, you will have
to create brushes yourself, not copy them from some place. You could
also ask others to help you with this and only coordinate the effort,
but the origin of any brush included must be clear and the author has
to agree on a license that makes the brush freely redistributable.

For your other suggestions, please do a Bugzilla query on enhancement
requests with the word "brush" in the summary. Among other interesting
ideas you will find:


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