On Fri, Nov 18, 2005 at 11:17:06AM +0800, Joey Cagle wrote:
> OK, well on the Python end, which I'm not involved in, it's just going to  
> be too big for the distro.
> Nathan is also trying to compile GIMP-PERL, but he thinks that may also be  
> too big.  He just needs help reducing the size I think.  In Puppy/Grafpup,  
> it can be tricky because they have different development tools because the  
> goal is to keep everything small.  I was just hoping someone might be  
> interested in working with Nathan to get this done.
> Anyway let's see about getting web-o-tine working at least.
> First, when I load up GIMP via the terminal, here are the messages that  
> come up.  I don't know how much, or any of this has to do with web-o-tine,  
> though.
> skipping duplicate plug-in: '/usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/CEL'

this error occurs when a plug-in has been made available to gimp twice.
i would check to see if there is a duplicate installed in
~/.gimp-2.2/plug-in/ directory or if (for some reason known only to your
build system) there is a different directory the plug-ins are being
installed to.

i see it most often myself when i have made a copy of a script and given
the file a new name without changing the name of the plug-in in the

> /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/helpbrowser: error while loading shared  
> libraries: li                 bgtkhtml-2.so.0: cannot open shared object  
> file: No such file or directory
this is a weird error.  it should be able to be fixed by finding the
libgtkhtml package (it is a part of gnome stuff, however, it has been
made available separately -- it has been a while since i installed it)

what is weird about this error is that here, on my computer, one user
gets the error and another one doesn't.

it is not going to hurt running gimp at all, to make sure of this change
to Preferences-->Help System-->Browser to use-->Web Browser.  gimp
should fall back to that gracefully without the preference change,

> (gimp:1109): LibGimpBase-WARNING **: gimp: wire_read(): error
> /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/svg: error while loading shared libraries:  
> librsvg-2.                 so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such  
> file or directory
find librsvg and install it.  without it you will not be able to import
and export paths.

> (gimp:1109): LibGimpBase-WARNING **: gimp: wire_read(): error
> /usr/lib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/aa: error while loading shared libraries:  
> libaa.so.1:                  cannot open shared object file: No such file  
> or directory
libaa  makes the cool looking images to ascii.  i wonder if you are
using a binary that was built with this library.  with my build tools,
configure gives a warning that this library is not installed but make
builds gimp without it and no error message is ever produced.

maybe you could consider to use the gnu build tools?

> (gimp:1109): LibGimpBase-WARNING **: gimp: wire_read(): error
> removing duplicate PDB procedure "plug_in_db_browser" registered by  
> '/usr/lib/gi                 mp/2.0/plug-ins/procedure-browser'

for some reason, you have a duplicate db_browser.

do your build tools allow a "make uninstall" and in your efforts to
build gimp, have you given it more than one path.  maybe one of your
builds has installed the common plug-ins into your user directory.

> removing duplicate PDB procedure "plug_in_plug_in_details" registered by  
> '/usr/l                 ib/gimp/2.0/plug-ins/plugin-browser'
> removing duplicate PDB procedure "file_bz2_save" registered by  
> '/usr/lib/gimp/2.                 0/plug-ins/compressor'
> removing duplicate PDB procedure "file_bz2_load" registered by  
> '/usr/lib/gimp/2.                 0/plug-ins/compressor'
> removing duplicate PDB procedure "file_gz_save" registered by  
> '/usr/lib/gimp/2.0                 /plug-ins/compressor'
> removing duplicate PDB procedure "file_gz_load" registered by  
> '/usr/lib/gimp/2.0                 /plug-ins/compressor'
> script-fu: Error while executing
> (load "/usr/share/gimp/2.0/scripts/guides-from-selection.scm")
> ERROR: unbound variable (errobj script-fu-menu-register)
> script-fu: Error while executing
> (load "/usr/share/gimp/2.0/scripts/guides-new-percent.scm")
> ERROR: unbound variable (errobj script-fu-menu-register)
> script-fu: Error while executing
> (load "/usr/share/gimp/2.0/scripts/guides-new.scm")
> ERROR: unbound variable (errobj script-fu-menu-register)
> script-fu: Error while executing
> (load "/usr/share/gimp/2.0/scripts/guides-remove-all.scm")
> ERROR: unbound variable (errobj script-fu-menu-register)
well, i think most of these are various ways of saying "DUPLICATE

script-fu has a difficult time communicating exactly what its problem

> So now on to web-o-tine, which from what I read worked in Windows but had  
> not been tested in Linux/Unix.
> Web-o-tine works just fine until I hit "OK".  At that point, this error  
> comes up in a window:
> Web-O-Tine Message
> Error while executing
> (script-fu-webotine 1 4 "/root/linuxarts/index.html"  
> "/root/linuxarts/index.html" "la1" "." 2 0 2 FALSE TRUE)
> ERROR: unbound variable (errobj carvert)
running as root is bad business on most linux distributions.

when you were building gimp one of those times, did you tell it to
install gimp in /root ? which is like a user directory but is roots
home?  this is a special area and should be rarely used.

i would guess that script-fu is telling you that it doesn't have
permission to write there or that you need to make that directory.

> Having a function like web-o-tine and perl-o-tine is all I'm wanting to  
> get working.  I guess I'll leave it to Nathan to mention more specific  
> problems with PERL-GIMP, Python, etc.  I gave him a link on the message  
> board to the page where he could sign up for the GIMP e-mail lists.

it looks to me like web-o-tine will work.  if you are not able to
install perl and python, gimp brings its own script-fu interpreter and
support with it.

i suggest to find every place you have installed gimp on this computer.
you have duplicate plug-ins and also, using root that way is considered
to be dangerous by many who understand things better than me.

maybe if you clean up all the different installations of gimp you have
enough room for python which comes with pyslice.py.

maybe Nathan will remember all the places he told the build tools to put

when you attempt to reinstall, read the INSTALL and be careful about
telling it where to put things.  make some decisions and stick with
them.  gimp is finding stuff all over the place and that has to be
because it was told to do different things during different builds.

i would be curious to know the reason your distro doesn't use the gnu
build tools.  i can come up with a few reasons, so it is not an
offensive question.  mostly, i am curious to know the reasons decisions
like this are made.


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