..on Sat, Feb 11, 2006 at 05:27:36PM -0500, Scott wrote:

> Actually the Intel version are faster IF your application is not running
> in emulation mode. That being said, there are not a lot of applications
> that are nativly supporting the Intel chip. Which is the primary reason I
> want to compile GIMP.
> I will say this IMac is faster then my P4 3ghz Suse Linux box at work when
> I am using applications that are native.
> 4x faster is unrealistic, I would say maybe 1.5 - 2x's faster then the G5.

i guess i'm getting off topic here, but out of interest which
(native) applications do you have on both SuSE and the IntelMac to compare
their respective performance? very few of us have played with the IntelMac so
i'm sure there'd be a few interested to know which applications are
faster on which platform.


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