Yes that solves my problem of adjusting the opacity; but what if I want to play with the offset or the repeat? To repeat the same drag, I must jolt down somewhere the starting point and the blend parameters otherwise I don't really have a chance to redo the exact same thing.
Maybe add to the Blend dialog, the possibility to enter the values for the start point and the blend, which could be saved in Save Options, and with a button to automatically draw the gradiant without using the mouse. Maybe there is currently a better way of doing that.

Chris Mohler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 8/20/06, Jean-Christophe Roux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have used the blend tool to fill a layer with a gradient background. Nice.
> Now I'd like to change the opacity, do I really have to redraw the gradient
> from scratch? I cannot find a way to select the layer, adjust the gradient
> opacity and see the result. I must be missing something basic with Gimp!
> Thanks

What about using the master opacity slider in the 'Layers' dialog?


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