Hello, everyone.

I have been using GIMP extensively ever since I bought a graphics tablet early 
last year, and although I'm not nearly as proficient with it as I'd like to be, 
I think I am improving nicely nonetheless.

However, there is always more to learn about both GIMP and digital painting in 
general. For this reason, I spent a lot of time searching for good online 
tutorials on all sorts of aspects of digital painting relevant to me. And 
eventually, my link list grew so massive that I was looking for ways to 
organize it better.

So eventually, I decided to put them all into a wiki format, and I finally 
found a provider of free wikis who helped me do that. You can see the result 


Many of the techniques mentioned in the link lists were initially written for 
other software than GIMP, but they are usable for GIMP nonetheless. Others 
cover aspects of painting that go beyond the medium of digital art, such as 
drawing the anatomy of humans - but they might still be of interest to people 

But the link lists still have serious shortcomings - for example, they have 
next to nothing on photomanipulation, which is something I don't have much 
interest in at the moment, but which is very important to other people. Here 
I'd like to ask those of you who are interested in this topic to add any 
relevant links you know of - I am sure others will appreciate your help.

Finally, this wiki also has enough space to host original tutorials on its own 
right. I've already started moving a tutorial on creating fantasy maps with 
GIMP and Inkscape to the wiki, and hope to port the rest over this weekend. It 
is my hope that others will add their own tutorials as well.

Furthermore, I also want the Wiki to feature essays and explanations of various 
tools that can be used by artists - and GIMP certainly qualifies as such a 
tool. I've only created a short, bare-bones page for GIMP:


But it would be my hope that eventually people who have never heard of GIMP 
before could read a detailed explanation of what GIMP is, what it does and what 
its advantages are, as well as links to GIMP-specific tutorials and explanation 
of its tools.

So if you could help with any of these endeavors it would be a huge help. But 
first and foremost I'd like to put the word out that this Wiki exists - and 
what, time and effort willing, it might become.

- Jürgen Hubert

The Art Tutorials Wiki: http://artwiki.wikidot.com/gimp
Free Portraits: http://juergen.the-huberts.net/1hp/
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