> I'm running gimp 2.6.1 on windows xp, I have a couple
> of python plugins 
> in my ...\.gimp-2.6\plug-ins directory, yet they
> don't appear in the menu. Do I
> need to install some gimp python support, or what could the
> reason be?
> Thanks.

Reason is that python support in Windows version of Gimp is disabled by default.
Is possible enable it, for that is needed Unistall gimp, install Python 
libraries (not only Python ) and then reinstall Gimp with the "custom" option, 
and in the following dialog check the "python" checkbox.

But do not worry to make it easier i grouped all that is needed including 
Python in a single pack, with a almost idiot proof " how to install"

Pack is here 
i done for Gimp 2.4  but i believe is still updated,anyway for me still works 
with last gimp 2.6.1
again how to is included, you can't miss that text file is very clearly labeled

even more information on installing/running python on gimp windows  are here

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