The comma isn't the problem; there's nothing special about commas in
Scheme strings. It's the output function you're using -  (write)
formats things in Scheme source-code form so they can be (eval)'ed
when read back in.  To just output some text as text, use (display)
instead.  For a single comma you could also use (write-char #\,).

On 1/15/09, none <> wrote:
> Hi again. I just have one question about the script. Well it's more about
> Scheme in general but i couldn't find the answer in any tutorials (i was
> probably just looking in the wrong place). Anyway, i want to write a comma
> to
> the file but (write "," file) writes the comma with the quotes included. And
> using a character #\, doesn't work either. Is there a special escape code
> for
> printing commas or what?
> thanks
> --
> none
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