Hi Jay,

On Thu, Apr 23, 2009 at 11:27 PM, Jay Smith <j...@jaysmith.com> wrote:
> I am using Gimp 2.6.6 on Ubuntu 8.04 (Hardy) Linux.
> How can I tell Gimp to suppress reporting such errors and/or direct all
> such errors to stderr instead of Gimp opening up a "GIMP Message" window
> that has to be dismissed every darn time I open one of these old image
> files?
> Also, a minor irritant: The "GIMP Message" window is not shown in the
> various lists of windows in my desktop's task bar.  My desktop is KDE
> 3.5.10.  Thus if I don't dismiss each such window as they come up, they
> end up hanging around under other windows and one could easily end up
> with lots and lots of them present.  And I can't get at them by using
> the task bar lists.
Have you tried creating an 'Error Console' dockable?
It normally catches such messages which would otherwise cause popups.

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