Hi David, gimp-users,

> Are you looking for click, move to line end, shift-click??

I can draw, or a better way to say it, I can create a line or
selection for that matter -- the marching ants. I can technically
create a line with the Pencil and Paint Brush.

But, I can't make it look nice. I can't get the diagonal to look
like the picture, so it just looks like another board. I can very
clearly see the steps of the diagonal. If I enlarge the image the
diagonal line looks similar to (assumes fixed font email):


Thank you.

> On Tue, Jun 16, 2009 at 7:48 AM, DJ<delphit...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> Hi Gimp-user,
>> See the plain-old wooden fence at the top of this page.
>> http://www.artsconnected.org/toolkit/encyc_linetypes.html
>> Simply, right :-)  I wanted practice drawing lines, shapes, and
>> coloring them.
>> I created the vertical and horizontal with the Rectangle Select Tool
>> and Select > Stroke Selection, Paint Tool set to Pencil Circle (01),
>> Scale set to 2.
>> To create the diagonal I still used the Rectangle Select Tool, then
>> Rotate Tool, then Select > Stroke Selection. But the line is very
>> jagged, and it looks different than the horizontal and vertical.
>> I tried just using the Pencil, then the Paint brush (holding the Shift
>> key to get a straight line). I changed to a fuzzy brush.
>> How does one get a smooth diagonal line, like the one in the picture.
>> Thank you.
>> --
>> __________________________
>> DJ

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