Just use the GIMP Animation Package (GAP); it is particular well  
suited for processing video frames.

mplayer test.mkv -vo png
Run gimp
Open the first frame "000001.png"
Perform "Video->Frames Modify" and select the Apply Filter on Layer(s)  
function and click on OK. Choose the "plug-in-sobel" filter, and click  
on the Apply Constant button. You will be prompted for the filters  
settings to be used (and since you are using PNG files, you will also  
be presented with an export prompt).

Quoting Dark Shadow <shadowofdarkn...@gmail.com>:

> I would like to know how to use GIMP in the following script since
> ImageMagick's edge detection sucks compared to Gimps defaults with
> Sobel. Also it would be nice to not have it write the file at every
> step.
> I don't care either way if the whole thing is moved to Gimp as long as
> the edge detection is.
> mplayer test.mkv -vo png
> for img in `ls *.png`;
> do convert -fx G $img $img && convert -edge 2 $img $img && convert
> -negate $img $img;
> done;
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