On 02/20/2010 01:05 AM, David Gowers wrote:
> On Sat, Feb 20, 2010 at 7:18 PM, Burnie West<w...@ieee.org>  wrote:
>> On 02/19/2010 11:05 PM, Scott wrote:
>>>> I don't see animation. Seems like the animation you've attempted
>>>> should appear in the header1 image; but that's a jpg but not a gif.
>>> Well it is my first atempt and I just did what the forum post that I was
>>> going off of in a search said to do. Looked for a good tutorial for it but
>>> couldn't find one.
>>> Yes the train now that I think about it was a jpg. I just took one layer out
>>> of an exsisting animation and made my own and saved as a gif. Any links to a
>>> good tutorials for this?
>> I looked at a couple of tutorials for it, and they don't exactly seem to
>> address
>> your questions very well. They tend to be overly simplified, or assume
>> too much
>> background knowledge.
>> WARNING: very wordy post (but I don't know how to help otherwise).
>> Basically, you need to create a layer for each animation frame. Then you
>> need to
>> organize the layers in the animation sequence. Then you need to schedule
>> them.
> Or you use GIMP-GAP, which is designed for this kind of thing and has
> the 'Move path' tool to do pretty much everything except extracting
> the train :)
AFAICS, GAP move path tool doesn't handle the train scaling, perspective 
shifts, rotations, foreground occlusions, and the 3-D/2-D aspects.
All that would have to be managed by hand on a frame-by-frame basis, 
would it not?
These leaves the frame compositing and the tracking, which are really 
the easiest to tackle (at least at my level of expertise).
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