On Fri, 5 May 2000, Leanne wrote:

> I'm just starting to learn GIMP and I'm having trouble. Whenever I do undo I
> lose everything that I've done and end up with a checkered backgroup and someone
> please tell me what is happening?

        I am not an expert but I believe I can explain a few of your
`events` :^)
        `undo` undoes stuff, gonzo!! So, very often as you are working hit
the key combo ^S (control key, letter s combo) to save your work to the
point you are presently at. Do not wait until you are finished to save
your work. 
        The `checkered backdrop` is the indication you are working with a
transparent layer and when you `undo` or `erase` your work, well, what you
are left with is just the now empty transparent layer.
        If you get into the habit of `saving` your work, the `undo` will
only kill at most back to what you last saved.
        Hope this all is of some help.

                 .^.         Ryan Neily
                // \\           [EMAIL PROTECTED]    
   LINUX       /(   )\             
                ^^-^^           http://cnet.windsor.ns.ca/Art/Neily

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