Scott Durrant wrote:
> I am not an artist.  I just want to be able to turn 100k images into 10k
> images.  I understand this is very easy to do with Adobe ImageReady, an
> application that ships with PohotoShop 5+.
> Is there similar functionality in gimp?   Even if it's not as easy, I'm
> willing to learn if there is a tutorial on optimizing the file size of an
> image.

Well, I've never used ImageReady, but the program you are probably
looking for is ImageMagick, specifically the convert program.  The man
pages explain it fairly well.  It all depends on the file format you are
using, jpeg/gif/png because they use different compression methods etc.

I've found that has some tutorials about optimizing file
sizes for the web.  While these are usually aimed toward Photoshop
users, if you look around in the Gimp you will find similar tools and

Alex Harford
Author of "GIMP Essential Reference"

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