> "exact-brush-size-plus-small-tool-on-the-right"-cursor?
well you can get the small-tool-on-the-right part by
going to 
preferences->interface->image windows->
cursor mode "Tool icon with cross-hair"

buy I am guessing you really wanted the brushes part.


On Mon, Oct 30, 2000 at 12:14:35PM -0800, Jeffrey Goldberg wrote:
> On Mon, 30 Oct 2000, Tobias Gärder wrote:
> > Is there any way to get rid of the yellow/black dotted lines that mark
> > the border of the image?
> Select->Toggle (Ctrl-T)
> Or have I misunderstood the question?
> > And, does anyone know if the authors will include a
> > "exact-brush-size-plus-small-tool-on-the-right"-cursor? I've heard
> > that other people than me want that feature, but...
> Pass.
> -- 
> Jeffrey Goldberg
> I have recently moved, see http://www.goldmark.org/jeff/contact.html
> Relativism is the triumph of authority over truth, convention over justice

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| This will satisfy a few people,        |
|  and amaze everybody else.             |
|                       -- Forrest Gump  |
|                       -- Winston Groom |
| Jeff Sheffield                         |
| [EMAIL PROTECTED]                     |

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