Hello everybody,

I've found a tip to hollow out a text (with freetype, it's more simple and
you aren't limited in character size):

1°) Make freetype. It's better if you use bigger character
2°) Freetype has created a layer with the text in it
3°) Right click on this layer and then choose "Alpha to selection"
4°) Destroy this layer
5°) Move the selection where you want (perhaps in the middle of the image)
using "Alt+Drag"
6°) Right click/Select/Save to Channel
7°) Right click/Select/shrink. Try different size by using undo.
8°) Bucket Fill ("Shift+B"). Make sure the forecolor is black.
9°) Fill the selection. The channel has been cut. Now in the channel, you've
the text hollowed out.

If you want to use "Text tool", make that:
0°) Text tool
1°) Layers/Channel/Path dialog
2°) Double-click on floating selection layer then OK to transform it in
.... then now, it's the same game than with freetype


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