I have a project using Git on machine A.
I'm running a Centos server on machine B.
I'd like to "publish" the project on machine B
(mainly for my own use, so I can access it from various sites).

I don't plan to run git on machine B,
except in so far as that is necessary to leave a master copy there.

As will be evident, I am a git newbie.

I read something in "Git - SVN Crash Course"
at <http://git.or.cz/course/svn.html>
which might be what I need:
Your local repository can be used by others to pull changes,
but normally you would have a private repository and a public
The public repository is where everybody pulls and you... do the
Push your changes? Yes!
We do git push remote which will push all the local branches
with a corresponding remote branch -
note that this works generally only over SSH
(or HTTP but with special webserver setup).

If so, how exactly do I create and populate the "public repository"?

Any advice or enlightenment gratefully received.

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