On Mar 3, 5:01 pm, vfclists <vfcli...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> I am new to git and there is an issue I want to clear up,
> When you check out a git branch it your working directory its hides
> the files not in your branch.

It does not hide anything. You can think of this as a sequence of two
steps: a) remove all files which are in the tree referenced by the
currently checked out commit; b) creating all the files which are in
the tree referenced by the commit you are about to check out.

> If you have say 3 branches and you want to check them all out
> independently and work on them at the same time, are you allowed to
> specify a directory name for each branch?
> eg lets say my main reposity is at /git/repos/project1
> Can I check out branch1, branch2 and branch3 respectively into /home/
> myname/project1/branch1, /home/myname/project1/branch3. /home/myname/
> project1/branch3, and work on them without interference?
> Will issuing git commands reference the /git/repos/project1
> transparently?
> The working directory aspect has me confused, because it seems that
> checking out always references, a single directory in in /get/repos/
> directory at all times.

"No" to all the questions above.

Actually, it may be that you have developed an idea about a typical
repository layout that is not supported by Git. If you're coming from
a Subversion world this can be understandable: the directories (which
represent everything in Subversion) found in any given revision may
hold absolutely unrelated contents, and so checking them out into
different local directories -- all at the same time -- has sense.
In Git, one repository contains one logical project, and branches are
different lines of development of *the same* code. Because of this,
the possibility to have several working directories at the same time
would have little sense.

Another point about this is that Git does everything locally:
switching a branch is super-fast as nothing is copied from the server.
And if you want to check out another branch while you have uncommitted
changes on the current one, and you don't want to commit them yet, use
`git stash` which allows you to save your "work in
progress" (actually, any number of them) to a private area in the
repository and then apply it back when you switched back to the
original branch.

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