On Wed, 20 Apr 2011 09:16:39 -0700 (PDT)
Angelo <angelo.more...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Now my setup is:
> (GIT remote repository server - centos) -> (Dev server - centos) ->
> (windows machine through samba) 1
> -> (windows machine through samba) 2
> The windows machines that access to the dev server do so through
> mounting a drive on the network.
> Now to the issue, I do a "pull from remote repository" on Tortoise
> Git, as expected I get all files, then when I go "check for
> modifications" on tortoise there is nothing to be committed to my
> local repo which is very weird because if I go to the command line and
> go "git status" on that directory on my dev server I get the changes
> that are not staged.
> Anyone has any idea why is this happening?
> Is it just me doing something wrong? I am so confused, don't even know
> what to search for in Google.

I don't understand why are you using share mounts.
What prevents you from working like everyone else?
I mean, each Windows developer clones the main repository to their
respective *local* machine (using whatever tool they want, be it plain
msysgit or cygwin port of Git or Tortoise Git or whatever other
front-end), then they work on the code, then eventually pushe their
changes to the main repository (or to some other repository or
whatnot, depending on the adopted workflow).

In my opinion, trying to access a Git repository over a CIFS mount is
casting a great pain onto one's neck--Git on Windows has many rough
edges so it's better to stick to workflows proven to work.

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