For the record, I think your question was perfectly reasonable for this
forum. It is related to git installation/configuration on a particular OS.
This group doesn't get much traffic, as it is--if we tell people to go
elsewhere to solve their problems, it will just continue to be a ghost town.

Here are some more general pointers (hopefully for the benefit of all):
It's usually easier to configure software in CentOS via yum, the package
manager. CentOS 5 doesn't have a yum package for git (CentOS 5 is pretty
old, you should consider upgrading to 6 at some point!), but there are
people who have kindly set up git packages for CentOS 5, such as:

There are a couple of great books online for git specifically:
(this contains the proper "from source" installation commands with the
$ make prefix=/usr all ;# as yourself
$ make prefix=/usr install ;# as root)

And there's "pro git": , written by one of the guys
at github. I learned a lot reading through the branching sections.

You should definitely set up a user account to push with via SSH. It's
possible this server isn't in the wild, which is fine, but if it is
accessible by the internet, I highly recommend disabling root ssh access
all together. See the section on disabling root SSH access in CentOS 5

Happy git-ing.

On Tue, Apr 10, 2012 at 11:17 AM, Paul Hollyer <> wrote:

> On Tuesday, April 10, 2012 3:21:04 PM UTC+1, Konstantin Khomoutov wrote:
>> On Tue, 10 Apr 2012 06:46:12 -0700 (PDT)
>> Paul Hollyer <> wrote:
>> > > env $PATH
>> > > to see what your path looks like.
>> [...]
>> > Thanks for the quick replies, here is the result of env $PATH:
>> >
>> > env:
>> > /root/local/bin:/usr/kerberos/**sbin:/usr/kerberos/bin:/usr/**
>> local/sbin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/**>
>> > sbin:/sbin:/usr/local/rvm/bin:**/root/bin: No such file or directory
>> >
>> > I assumed re-installing git would make it add the required paths
>> > where necessary again if they had been broken.
>> Installing something by `make install` never touches the environment
>> (and for good).
>> > Can you help me fix this?
>> >
>> > Git is at /usr/local/src I think,
>> Very improbable.
>> Possibly you unrolled the Git source tarball there
> I did.
>> , but when you did
>> ./configure
>> it probably picked /usr/local as its "installation prefix",
>> so supposedly you do have main Git binary under /usr/local/bin, and
>> that's what you're supposed to add to your PATH.
>> > so how do I add this to the search path?
>> The answer is "it depends".
>> The most correct approach (to me) is to find binary package(s) for Git
>> matching your OS (and its version), and install them.  This gives you
>> two benefits:
>> 1) Git will be installed in a well-known place, where it will be
>>    accessible without messing with the user's environment.
>> 2) You will have less problems when uninstalling or upgrading Git later,
>>    as this will be routinely carried out by the package manager.
>> If you insist on building Git from the source, there are two ways:
>> 1) Run `./configure --help` and see what it needs to install Git into
>>    the standard hierarchy, that is, under /usr.
>>    Usually this is --prefix=/usr
>> 2) Install as-is, but notice where the files are installed.
>>    Just run `make install >/tmp/log` and inspect the generated log file
>>    to see where the files have been installed.
> This is what I did, following a recipe provided by someone using Git and
> Centos. I didn't think, this morning, when running make install, to pipe or
> > (append?) the output to a log file. These are the sort of common
> techniques that are yet to come naturally for me.
>> In the latter case you might have to fix the environment *of the user
>> under which account Git will run.*  This is important: from the output
>> you shown us, it follows that you run this command as root.  It's
>> highly unlikely you're pushing as root as well (if you're a sensible
>> person at least),
> I'm not a sensible person, I need to fix this.
>>  and you have to tweak either the global environment
>> or the environment of the mentioned user.
>> How to do that depends on the shell which is spawned by SSH on the
>> server when you push.  Usually it's the same as the user's login shell
>> (the one used for interactive logins).
>> The config file to tweak depends on the shell.
>> For bash this will be
>> ~/.bashrc
>> and you'll have to add to it something like
>> export PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/bin"
>> > Sorry if it's a basic linux question, but am learning by doing, and
>> > fixing.......
>> As you can see, you'll have to get a book on Unix and read it as the
>> question being discussed has little to do with Git.
>> You ccan also get help on relevant resources such as news groups
>> or
> I have recently completed an introductory Linux course with the OU (about
> £275 I think it was), and am looking to do more when the new term starts in
> August/September. I'm not a free-loader expecting you to give me all the
> answers. 99% of the time I will try and find a solution to a problem
> myself, it's just that due to time contraints today, and the fact that I
> didn't know if it was a Linux issue or a Git installation that had become
> corrupted, that I just asked the question first - hoping to be pointed in a
> direction where I could find the answers.
> I'm in the process of trying to learn a lot of stuff myself, I don't have
> anyone I can discuss problems with face to face, so Google Groups is my
> only real support network.
> Thanks to everyone who has posted, I'll make the necessary changes to my
> server tonight.
> BW
> Paul
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