Hello Adam. It's exactly what I was trying to say. And I think maybe the 
time has to do with the fact it doesn't show. I remember seeing something 
about 2 weeks old… but I thought when something was not referenced by 
anyone, let's say, orphan, the time would be ignored. I will try to run 
commands specifying a different time (1 second).

Well, I try to run prune with expire 0, expire 1 (I am guessing it means 
seconds?) and didn't work… But I tried this and…
git fsck --lost-found
Checking object directories: 100% (256/256), done.
dangling commit b95cad521864494280d3609b295ccc0aa9e135e2

Not sure what dangling means. I mean, how it differs from orphans/not being 

In my current repository, b95cad5 has been replaced by b219846. Both have 
the same parent. But b95cad5 became “invisible” in most interfaces, 
including git log, gitk and GitX.

On Thursday, 27 September 2012 13:17:45 UTC+1, Adam Prescott wrote:
> When you amend the second commit replaces the results of the first. It's 
>> for the occasion when you commit too early and possibly forget to add some 
>> files, or you mess up your commit message.
> I don't think you're answering on the same level of abstraction as 
> Thiago's question. At a high level, the commit has indeed been "replaced", 
> but the commits D and E are both separate entities as far as Git is 
> concerned, it's just that E's parent has been set to C and D isn't 
> reachable from any ref; D is in a dangling state.
> Try this:
> cd /tmp
> git init foo
> cd foo
> touch foo
> git add foo
> git commit -a -m "Initial commit"
> touch bar
> git add bar
> git commit -a -m "Bar"
> git log --oneline
> # output:
> 2e1c949 Bar
> 499724c Initial commit
> git commit --amend
> # amend the message to be "Bar (edited)"
> git log --oneline
> # output:
> 94e441b Bar (edited)
> 499724c Initial commit
> Now look at the log starting from the commit that was amended (2e1c949):
> git log --oneline 2e1c949
> # output:
> 2e1c949 Bar
> 499724c Initial commit
> 2e1c949 still exists and still has its parent set to 499724c, it's just 
> that 2e1c949 is not reachable from, in this case, master. You can see this 
> more explicitly in the log when specifying master and the dangling 2e1c949:
> $ git log --graph --oneline --decorate master 2e1c949 # two explicit 
> places to start from
> * 94e441b (HEAD, master) Bar (edited)
> | * 2e1c949 Bar
> |/  
> * 499724c Initial commit
> The two are separate, as you can see.
> As far as an actual answer concerning `prune` and `fsck`, I'm not quite 
> sure but it may be something to do with the default length of time before 
> an object will actually be pruned. I'd be interested in reading a fuller 
> answer by someone who knows.

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