On Thursday, November 1, 2012 8:21:05 PM UTC+1, TSU wrote:

> How robust are git operations against remote repos?
> Specifically, I've been looking at a number of Internet postings about 
> whether it's possible to restart an interrupted cloning, but I'm now also 
> curious about whether other network operations like Fetch, Push, and more 
> can recover and continue an interrupted update and transfer of files.
> First,
> Pls verify that the following commands can restart a partially built 
> clone...
> (reference 
> http://md-asif.blogspot.com/2010/12/recover-git-svn-clone-after-it-gets.html
> )
> First Try
> $ cd project
> $ git fetch
> $ git rebase -hard
> If "git fetch" does not work, then the following commands
> (reference 
> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10671638/how-to-fix-git-repository-broken-by-interrupted-git-fetch
> )
> git fsck
> git gc
> As I stated earlier,
> What if any other operation is interrupted before completion? Although 
> "clone" more often can be a very long operation, others can be, too..
> Ex.
> Fetch - Sounds each time it starts, it will do a local vs remote compare, but 
> does that assume uncorrupted metadata which might result from an interrupted 
> and uncompleted operation?
> Push -  ?
> Update - ?
The short answer is that you don't have to worry about any of these. Most 
Git operations are extremely reliable. And if something is missing, Git 
will detect it quickly with its inner consistency checks (since every 
object in the Git database has a verifiable checksum, the SHA, this is 
really safe and fast), and then give you the information you need to fix it 
(if you ask for it). 

In my three years of using Git every day, I've never once managed to 
corrupt my own, or others repositories.

There are some 3rd party tools that have been a bit clumsy with how they 
operate on Git repositories, and leave it in an illogical state. This 
doesn't have anything to do with Git getting corrupted, it just has 
happened that these tools mess up some pointer in the Git repository.

A very easy way to recreate such a problem is to 
edit .git/refs/heads/master inside a temporary repository, and change the 
SHA code in there by just one character. Suddenly we get:

> git status
fatal: bad object HEAD

In this state I can't do anything with my repository, not even run git 
status, so I'll just remove the reference. 

rm .git/refs/heads/master

I can now run git status, but when I run git log I get a slightly different 

fatal: bad default revision 'HEAD'

My HEAD reference (.git/HEAD) points to refs/heads/master, which doesn't 
exist (git log implicitly runs git log HEAD).

So now, I need to change refs/heads/master to something that makes sense. 
Let's go looking for lost commits:

git fsck --lost-found
notice: HEAD points to an unborn branch (master)
Checking object directories: 100% (256/256), done.
Checking objects: 100% (58/58), done.
dangling commit ce6224048ea952a67678b6433ff048ac171655d9

There's a dangling commit. Let's point refs/heads/master to that and see 
what we get.

git update-ref refs/heads/master ce6224048ea952a67678b6433ff048ac171655d9

Ah, seems that was the commit master used to be pointing at before we 
"corrupted" the repository. So, we're back home where we started. 

To recap: It is physically possible to get a git repository which has a 
pointer to a commit that does not exist. It is, however, extremely seldom, 
and has more to do with using unreliable tooling, or manual fiddling with 
the repository (like I did above). There aren't any Git commands that are 
particularly prone to this happening. Git push and pull will not update any 
pointers until all the commits have been safely transferred. Local 
operations like commit are atomical.


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