default is true.
$ git config core.filemode false
and then try again

31 януари 2013, четвъртък, 21:31:28 UTC+2, Matthew Johnson написа:
> "git config --list" does not show core.filemode at all. Nor does "git 
> config --get core.filemode" (both in Cygwin/windows). So what does it 
> default to?
> On Wednesday, January 30, 2013 10:03:47 PM UTC-8, Blind wrote:
>> Just out of curiosity, what you have as "filemode" configuration?
>> Maybe if you do 
>> $git config core.filemode false
>> the files will no longer show as modified?
>> 31 януари 2013, четвъртък, 03:40:58 UTC+2, Matthew Johnson написа:
>>> What differences does it display? It lists about a hundred .ogg files 
>>> (like the one I included) as 'modified'. I did not want to burden the group 
>>> with the whole list, so I mentioned only one .ogg file. But here are the 
>>> first few lines, which include ogg, jpb, and png files:
>>> [mejohnsn@localhostThinkpad mr.ed]$ git status
>>> # On branch master
>>> # Changes not staged for commit:
>>> #   (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
>>> #   (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working 
>>> directory)
>>> #
>>> #       modified:
>>> #       modified:   lesson1/images/home-icon.jpg
>>> #       modified:   lesson1/images/home-icon.png
>>> #       modified:   lesson1/images/left-arrow.png
>>> #       modified:   lesson1/images/right-arrow.png
>>> #       modified:   lesson2/images/home-icon.jpg
>>> #       modified:   lesson3/images/home-icon.jpg
>>> #       modified:   lesson3/lesson_a/images/home-icon.jpg
>>> #       modified:   lesson3/lesson_a/sounds/1.ogg
>>> #       modified:   lesson3/lesson_a/sounds/10.ogg
>>> ...
>>> It even includes one Python file I forgot to mention since I have no 
>>> intention of checking it into the repository;)
>>> None of these show up as modified when I type the same "git status" in a 
>>> Cygwin command line.
>>> On Wednesday, January 30, 2013 8:21:37 AM UTC-8, Dale Worley wrote:
>>>> > From: Matthew Johnson <> 
>>>> > 
>>>> > Under Windows (cygwin) "git status" shows nothing to commit, only 
>>>> untracked 
>>>> > files, which is what I expect; only under F17 do I get several 
>>>> modified 
>>>> > files -- and these have old dates (e.g. Nov 27). 
>>>> My guess is that it has something to do with line-endings or some 
>>>> subtlety about how file modification times are handled. 
>>>> Under F17, when you do a "git diff", what differences does it display? 
>>>> Dale 

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