On Tue, 5 Feb 2013 06:17:56 -0800 (PST)
Jacques Knipper <jacques.knip...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > The basic idea is that your code base evloves and at some point you 
> > decide that its current state is mature enough to eventually
> > produce a new release after certain polishing and bug squashing. 
> > Normally you fork a new branch at this point and name it something
> > like release-1.1.  You then can continue developing on the mainline
> > branch and do only bugfix commits on the release-1.1 branch (which
> > can be backported back to the mainline branch using `git
> > cherry-pick`). You can have any number of such release-X.Y branches
> > in parallel, of course. 
> >
> > A classical essay on this approach is [1].  It contains nice
> > pictures so consider reading it.  Note that it's not the only
> > possible workflow, and at least you might adjust certain details if
> > you decide to adopt it. 
> >
> >
> OK, I understand, a way to use git in my case is to use branching for 
> software release.
> But how to set branch for development, integration and production in 
> parallels of releases branch?

Using regular `git branch` command (or appropriate knobs in your UI
front-end if you're using one).
Creating branches is no magic in Git, really.  There's no limits on
how many branches do exist in parallel in a given repository.

> I abviously need to be able to work on any release of any packages at
> any time.

No problem at all: you use `git checkout <branch>` to switch between
branches -- this command brings your work tree to the state held in the
tip of the specified branch.

> Maybe you have already answered to me, and I apologize if it's the
> case, but I need some lights on it I guess :)

I have a growing feeling you somehow did not manage to grasp the
concept of Git branches.  I hence recommend to *play* with Git creating
a throw-away repository: create a local Git repo, throw a bunch of
files in it, record a number of commits on its default branch,
"master", fork off a "devel" branch, crunch a number of commits there,
now create a "release" branch off the master's tip (using
`git checkout -b release master`), record a number of commits there;
now check out each branch in turn and see what happens, run `gitk --all`
to visualize the situation.  Experiment, that is.  Reading introduction
material and manuals is paramaunt for mastering a tool, but there's no
substitution for practice.

Another thing to consider is to start with readingh The Git Parable [1]
which is the most gentle introduction to Git's approach to managing data
I ever saw.

1. http://tom.preston-werner.com/2009/05/19/the-git-parable.html

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