
I've read some nice things about git rebasing workflow here: 

I'm suppose to use this in a project with the following structure:

              /                           \
       dev_frontend            dev_backend
         /                                     \ 
    dev_devnames                  dev_devnames

Basically we all work in our own dev_devname branch which will be rebased 
either against backend or frontend depending on team we are in. No one else 
but dev will push to his own branch, and as soon as a feature is done, a 
pull request is made to parent branch, then you move on on your branch with 
next feature and so on.

We should rebase often from parent branch. Now I've understood how rebase 
works from that link I posted as long as I have a local branch with 
commits, which is at the end merged into parent and dropped. I can't seem 
to understand how this would work with the above case.

Say I rebase from backend, and now push to origin dev_devname . The commit 
history is now on repo. Now when I start new features/continue work when I 
rebase from backend my commit history will change again. Now when I try to 
push to dev_devname I cannot and need to pull from there. But pull now 
gives me conflicts that I need to fix. Is this normal or am I 
missunderstanding the workflow here? 


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