On Fri, Jun 28, 2013 at 4:30 AM, HWSWMAN <ed.pat...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ok i am new to GIT .. i need a source control system and i want to use it in
> the simplest possible way ...
> i have a linux server with our website files, and i have me, plus a few
> developers in another country ... myself and the developers share the same
> SSH access username
> i got started and created a git repo in a particular directory .. cool
> i installed the basic git gui, and was able to clone down to my machine
> using ssh ... cool
> I have to say the GIT docs are pretty cryptic .. i just want to use the
> thing, I could not care less how it works ... is there a better
> documentation that focuses on how to USE git and not how git internals work?
> .... otherwise, questions below:

The internet is full of articles on how to use Git.  I mainly turn to
http://gitready.com/ when I get confused by a man page.  It's slightly
more of a reference site though, but maybe one of the sites on this
page can get you started:

> I already tested and it seems like you can ftp a file from then to the
> server with changes, and totally go around git ... what does git do to stop
> this?  i thought changes had to go through GIT?   Also why can I not see the
> changes?   In other words, I cloned the repo to my machine .. then i opened
> FTP, downloaded a file, changed it and ftp'd it back ... then i went in GIT
> to see if I could see that change .. i could not .. how do i see if there
> are any changes that happenned outside of GIT?

I don't understand your question at all.  Did you

1. Clone a repo into $WE
2. Download a file into the repo from an unrelated location into $WE
3. Modify the downloaded file
4. Upload the file again to the unrelated location

If so I'm not sure what you expected would happen, since

1. The local Git clone hasn't been told to track the file you
downloaded (run `git status` and you should see the file listed as
2. The remote Git repo does of course not know anything about the file either

Also, keep in mind that Git is *not* a deployment tool per se, it's a
version control tool!

> If I want the simplest possible implementation, how should it work?  what i
> mean is, i was thinking there is one central repo on the server, and all the
> developers, including me, clone to our machines, then do our work, and
> stage, then commit the changes ... does this make sense?   I plan to use
> this workflow concept: Centralized-Workflow

Install a web server capable of FastCGI (e.g. lighttpd) and configure
it to run git-http-backend.

> Do I have to clone the whole thing everytime, or can i just download any
> file changes before i begin work?  How do i do it?

I would suggest you read an introductory text on Git, but here's a
very short explanation:

You have to create a local clone before commencing work, you *always*
need a local clone:

    % git clone http://myrepo.git

Then you make changes locally and commit those:

    % vim my-file
    % git add my-file
    % git commit

And finally you push back changes to the central repo:

    % git push


Magnus Therning                      OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4
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