
Absolutely amazing, sir!  Your answer is spot on accurate, very complete, 
and very detailed. While I sorry that I put you to that much unpaid work, I 
am very grateful.  I'm going to bookmark this explanation and refer to it 
regularly until the concept sticks.  I have a grasp on it now; but, I'm not 
sure it's completely there yet.

Some interesting data points that will probably be explained by different 
git versions or the fact that I'm cloning from a bare repo:

* ``git clone --bare ${prod}:/${dir}`` results in a bare clone, obviously. 
 The config file, though, doesn't have the remote origin stanza to which 
you referred, nor does ``git remote -v`` display anything.

# cat config
        repositoryformatversion = 0
        filemode = true
        bare = true
# git remote -v

*  Easily added and, once done, run the git config command you mentioned 
results in:

# git fetch -v
>From ${prod}:/opt/app/git/filemover
 * [new branch]      master     -> origin/master
 = [up to date]      master     -> master
# git remote -v
origin  ${prod}:/opt/app/git/filemover.git (fetch)
origin  ${prod}:/opt/app/git/filemover.git (push)

* Updating a file, pushing to the prod repo and then fetching from the DR 
one work flawlessly.

Thank you again for the very clear, concise, and accurate answer.  

Doug O'Leary

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