On Fri, Oct 18, 2013 at 12:29:31PM -0700, Casper Schmidt wrote:
> Hi there
> Being quite new to the more advanced use of Git I really need some
> help here. I have been using the simple Git
> pull/fetch/commit/push/merge commands, which are pretty simple, for
> about 9 months so I 'm familiar with the concepts and basic commands
> of version control/Git.
> First some (probably) needed context: I work at a company where we
> receive releases of our product(s) from our HQ. Releases are rare
> though (maybe once a year) so most often we pull a copy from their
> development server (they use Visual Source Safe for version control,
> but I/we will be trying to convince them to change that). What we do
> for a living is customizing this HQ release to fit the needs of our
> customers. For this we have a repository for each customer. With
> around 10-15 active customers (customers that regularly place new
> orders for customizations) this has become a maintenance nightmare
> (keeping codebases up to date for all customers using beyond
> compare, even though it's a nice tool). All of this is old school
> ASP Classic and the codebases across customers (and HQ releases)
> should be at least 80% identical. Because of this we have looked
> into using a single repository for all of the code and then simply
> have each customer as a seperate branch (or multiple branches when
> developing new features for them). This will enable us to use pull
> requests and merges to update all customers easily and also make it
> easier to keep track of bugfixes that should be merged into the
> standard codebase from HQ. Because we have been using Git for quite
> some time we have a lot of development history for each customer
> that we would like to keep after migrating.
> My question is then: Is there any way to merge multiple repositories
> into a single repository but in their own branch. I have found a few
> guidelines using multiple remotes and simple merge but this merges
> the history into the master branch every time I try. Also some
> guidelines talk about merging repositories into seperate
> directories, but that is not really what we want.

The more I read this the less I'm sure I understand your question :-)

- Do you have multiple Git repos that you want to merge into one?
- Do they all have a common history, i.e. when you add them as remotes
  to a local Git repo do their histories "line up"?
- Git gives you lots of control over merging, so "this merges the
  history into the master branch every time" is confusing, maybe it'd
  help seeing what you have before, the command you use, what you
  expect would happen, and finally what actually happens.


Magnus Therning                      OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4 
email: mag...@therning.org   jabber: mag...@therning.org
twitter: magthe               http://therning.org/magnus

Increasingly, people seem to misinterpret complexity as sophistication,
which is baffling--the incomprehensible should cause suspicion rather than
     -- Niklaus Wirth

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