Thanks Konstantin,

and one more quick question?

What is the correct way for define the variable in pre-commit hooks in Git
bash so I can using those three variables to run git commands, i.e.

git show $newrev
git merge-base $oldreve $newrev

since what I tried in my bash scripts first to define:
but when I run check if those three variables are valid first and it
doesn't return any value.


On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 6:29 AM, Konstantin Khomoutov <> wrote:

> On Thu, 7 Nov 2013 12:14:34 -0500
> lingfei ouyang <> wrote:
> > I'm trying to create an Git-extenstion pre-commit hooks and below is
> > what I got:
> >
> > ~~~~
> > #!/bin/bash -xv
> >
> > refname="$1"
> > oldrev="$2"
> > newrev="$3"
> >
> > pattern="[A-Z]-[0-9]{5}\:"
> >
> > echo $newrev
> > newrev_subject=$(git show -s --pretty=format:$s $newrev)
> >
> > echo $newrev_subject
> >
> > if [[ $newrev_subject =~ $pattern ]]; then
> >                 echo "Processing..."
> > else
> >      echo "error: commit subject comment's not include VersionOne
> > stories,defect number"
> >      exit 1
> > fi
> > ~~~~
> >
> > but when I try to commit the changes and I got below output error:
> >
> > "C:\Program Files\Git\bin\git.exe" commit -F
> > "C:\JICore\git-clones\Lingfei_test1\Lingfei_test\.git\\COMMITMESSAGE"
> >
> >
> > .git/hooks/pre-commit: line 14: conditional binary operator expected
> > .git/hooks/pre-commit: line 14: syntax error near `=~'
> > .git/hooks/pre-commit: line 14: `if [[ $newrev_subject =~
> > $pattern ]]; then' Done
> >
> > So could you let me know if anything i did wrong here? Git extentions
> > doesn't know bash?
> Bash tells you it doesn't understand the token =~ in a place where it
> expects a binary operator (applicable inside [[ ... ]]).  Reading
> through the bash release notes, I gather than bash acquired this binary
> operator in version 3.0 (and it has been subsequently further refined
> in 3.1 and 3.2).  Git bash I have installed as part of Git for Windows
> has the version 3.1.0 (you can know it by
> hitting Ctrl-x + Ctrl-v while in the Git bash window).  So technically
> the feature should be supported.  Though it does not work for me:
>   $ if [[ $x =~ .*b.* ]]; then echo OK; else echo FAIL; fi
>   sh.exe": conditional binary operator expected
>   sh.exe": syntax error near `=~'
> On a Debian machine running bash 3.2 this works:
>   $ x="abcd1234abcd"
>   $ if [[ $x =~ .*a.* ]]; then echo OK; else echo FAIL; fi
>   OK
> So while I don't know why this binop does not work in Git bash, I'd say
> just rewrite the script.  From `man bash` I gather, than
> if [[ $s =~ $pattern ]]; then echo OK; fi
> is roughly the same as
> if echo "$s" | grep -q "$pattern" 2>/dev/null; the echo OK; fi
> Also note that, as indicated by someone else in this thread, a Git hook
> might be written in any language.  The only twist is that on Windows,
> to be executable, a file must have one of special file name extensions
> recognised by the system, and a Git hook script must have no extension.
> The solution to this is to make the hook screen a mere wrapper around
> some other program which does the actual heavy-lifting.
> For instance, you might write the hook code in VBS, and then call it in
> the "bootstrap" hook script like this (untested):
> #!/bin/sh
> exec cscript.exe /b c:/path/to/your/actual/hook/script.vbs

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