My company works on IIS, and we have 7 devs. Your potential setup may work, 
but here's what we do:

- 200+ production servers
- 2 staging servers
-1 qa server

- Each dev does dev work on their local machine. They have a git repo set 
up based on the development branch, which lives on QA. Each dev has a local 
website set up on IIS, so that we can run the complete site locally (we use 
central databases, so we don't have to have all data on each machine; just 
the codebase.)

- When a feature or bug is done being developed, we commit locally, then 
pull origin develop and cherry-pick the commit into develop. That then gets 
pushed, so it's actually on the QA server. It through testing, and when it 
passes, we do the same process to get the code into the staging branch. We 
use an Atlassian product called Bamboo to do the actual deployment to our 
production servers.

On Tuesday, November 19, 2013 5:44:51 AM UTC-6, Sven H. wrote:
> Hello!
> We have the following server infrastructure:
> - 2 load balanced production webserver  (IIS, Windows Server)
> - 1 development webserver (IIS, Windows Server)
> At the moment we develop and test on the dev-server and then deploy to 
> each of the production servers. We still use svn for versioning but we 
> really want to go GIT.
> Problem is, that we have only one working directory. 
> Workflow now is: coding in the working dir on testserver, comitting to 
> svn, ftp to production servers. But we are 3-4 developer, so if one feature 
> is not ready yet, it can not be deployed to production servers.
> So developing new features is difficult now as far as we can not branch 
> them properly.
> Any ideas on this?
> In have something like this in my mind:
> Every dev has ist own working dir on the testserver. So we have one 
> Website running for each developer. When finishing a feature (or other) 
> then a push to the bare Git repo is done and with this, a hook updates into 
> the main working directory - this will be deployed then to the production 
> servers. Is this useful? Sounds quite comlicated... ;-)
> Any ideas on that?
> Thanks and greetings, 
> Sven

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