On Tue, 11 Feb 2014 04:46:52 -0800 (PST)
srinivas thanneeru <srinuqis...@gmail.com> wrote:

>                          I have git remote repository for my project
> work, i cloned that from system 1, edited some file called
> examle.java and then i added it to stag area, then commited, then
> push the sam to repository again.
>                          From another system im doing push to the
> same repository, i could not done that, so first i pull then i see
> its merging files automatically, and writing some comments to the
> file ( these comments i dont want). how to disable these comments.
> example : this is the merged file (example.java)
> <<<<<<< HEAD
> srinu adding
> =======
>  veeru
> >>>>>>> 7fcbc9a0af87e764f3529cdb3ec9858441218823
> i dont want these " <<<<<<< HEAD , =======, >>>>>>> 
> 7fcbc9a0af87e764f3529cdb3ec9858441218823 " comments.
> Due to these comments i couldnt able to compile my java code.


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