It seems there is no comfortable platform-independed way to do this. Maybe 
feature request?

вторник, 3 июня 2014 г., 15:34:12 UTC+3 пользователь John McKown написал:
> On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 7:12 AM, Magnus Therning < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jun 03, 2014 at 04:24:43AM -0700, Pierre-François CLEMENT wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > > I want to extend git commands set on per-repository basis and 
>> therefore I
>> > > need to have VERSIONED sort of .config file
>> > >
>> >
>> > You can use the repository's .git/config file to set repo-specific
>> > configuration, but why would you want it to be versioned in the
>> > project itself? It'd force anybody who can clone the repo to have
>> > the same config file.
>> >
>> > I guess that the closer you could get to this would be to version a,
>> > say, git.config file in the project root and then replace the repo's
>> > .git/config file with a symlink to it. But keep in mind that it'll
>> > still require whoever can clone the repo to decide to do so, you
>> > won't be able to force them -- and doing so will prevent them from
>> > having their own per-repository config file.
>> Something I'd be more comfortable with is making `git-config` a shell
>> script containing calls to `git config --local`.  Yes, it's then a
>> two-step procedure, and people might forget to perform the second
>> step, but *I* am in control and a `git pull` will not silently cause
>> any config changes.
> Magnus,
> I haven't even really looked into this, but if you are using Linux with 
> the BASH shell, you might want to look at using the "alias" command in your 
> ~/.profile so that the command git invokes your own shell script. This is 
> rather easy with a line something like:
> alias git="~/bin/mygit"
> Now, when the BASH shell sees the git command, it actually invokes the 
> ~/bin/mygit program (which is a shell script). I haven't looked at writing 
> such a script, but I think that you'd basically just check to see if the 
> first parameter is "config", and, if not, then invoke the normal git 
> program. If the first parameter is "config", then force the --local 
> parameter (or not, whatever you decide you need).
> Of, if by chance, you actually want to directly run git without using the 
> alias, just enclose the git command in " marks, like:
> "git" config --global ...
> The plus of this is that such a modification will only affect you, not 
> anyone else who may be on that machine. The minus is the same. Whether it 
> is a plus or a minus depends on your wants: only modify git for me, or 
> modify git for everybody.
> Wish I had the time right now to work on that script. Hopefully this is of 
> some help. But, like when I was in cleaning: "I don't _do_ Windows!" <grin/>
>> /M
>> --
>> Magnus Therning                      OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4
>> email: <javascript:>   jabber: 
>> <javascript:>
>> twitter: magthe     
>> What gets measured, gets done.
>>      -- Tom Peters
> -- 
> There is nothing more pleasant than traveling and meeting new people!
> Genghis Khan
> Maranatha! <><
> John McKown

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