On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 10:06:23PM -0400, Paul Smith wrote:
> One of the platforms I need to build on is Windows and we're using
> cmake to generate MSVC project files.  MSVC allows you to build one
> of a small number of different "types" of output, such as "Debug",
> "Release", etc.  Additionally, we have many different "targets" that
> are built: one for each library, executable, unit test program, etc.
> The way MSVC (or cmake, I'm not sure) organizes the output is that
> for a source directory SRC and a target SOMELIB built for "Debug"
> for example, the object files will be:
>   SRC/foo.cpp
>   SRC/SOMELIB.dir/Debug/foo.obj
> Note that here only SRC  and SRC/foo.cpp are actually part of the
> Git repository; the other directories/files are not tracked.

Is there a specific reason you aren't using a separate build
directory?  (AFAIU this is the convention for CMake.)

> Now, adding all the target directories ("SOMELIB.dir") to .gitignore
> individually is a big pain since there are so many.  And adding "*.dir"
> to .gitignore seems like it might match some stuff that we might want.
> So, I added the "type" directories to .gitignore, like this:
>   Debug
>   Release
> (also, these directories are used by Mac OS Xcode so need to be ignored
> anyway).
> This works great for "git status"; it doesn't show the "SOMELIB.dir"
> directory as "untracked" because after the .gitignore stuff is through
> getting rid of files that is just an empty directory.
> However after some head-banging today I discovered that "git clean
> -fdX" (which is what I normally use to clean out workspaces) won't
> delete these files.  Apparently "git clean -X" uses a different
> algorithm than "git status" for matching .gitignore contents and since
> SOMELIB.dir is not ignored, "git clean" skips over it rather than
> looking inside it for ignored files.
> So I had this situation where I had stale object files in my workspace
> and "git status" showed I had no untracked files, but "git clean -fdX"
> didn't clean up the stale object files.
> Does it seem incorrect to anyone else that "git clean -X" doesn't delete
> all the files in your workspace that are considered ignored by "git
> status"?

How does `git clean -fdx` behave?

I've never really understood the difference between -x and -X, but
I've always used only -x and it behaves exactly the way I expect it


Magnus Therning                      OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4 
email: mag...@therning.org   jabber: mag...@therning.org
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Perl is another example of filling a tiny, short-term need, and then
being a real problem in the longer term.
     -- Alan Kay

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