On Sun, 30 Nov 2014 15:32:45 -0800 (PST)
OC0915566 <joseph.sie...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My company is upgrading the laptops and so, they're selling the old
> ones. The problem is, we've been using the old laptops to access
> remote git repos and the employer would like to clean all possible
> traces of repo URLs that have been accessed in these laptops. How do
> I do this? We used Git Bash and Conemu. Will uninstalling Git Bash
> and Conemu be enough to delete all repo URL history in the laptops?
> or are these repo URL never been saved to local disk in the first
> place? Thanks

As to Git bash, the answer is "most probably yes" because bash saves
the input history to a file under the user's home directory (and you're
probably deleting the user profiles [1]).  As to Conemu, the answer
is also "probably yes": "native" Windows software tends to use registry
for storing all kinds of random stuff, including history, and
contemporary programs would store this data in a personal user's
registry hive (which is just a set of files under the user's home
directory) so if you're deleting user profiles [1] you're deleting this
data as well.

Looking at the issue from another perspective... does knowing URLs of
those repos give away that much to a prying eye?  What matters is
repository contents not where that contents is located.  If you have
some private repos accessible publicly then have them properly
protected -- say, by using SSH keys, and have these keys properly

Note that if you're absolutely paranoid (and you might have reasons to
be [2]), you have to wipe (and I mean it, not just format) hard drives
and then install Windows there (either from a rescue partition/DVD if
you're using whatever the vendor installer or from your own images).
If the buyer does not care much, installing FreeDOS after wiping could
be just fine.  It really depends on the expectations.

[1] If not, you really have to.
[2] When you're deleting an object from the filesystem, the object's
    data stays intact and can be recovered using specialized software
    unless it happens to later be overwritten by other filesystem
    operations (typically -- storing new files).  Google for "TestDisk"
    as one popular example.

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