It might be an idea to not store them in any of your branches. Meaning the 
files are untracked in neither of your branches. (using git rm --cached 
This way when checking out master or dev the files are always there and 
will never be overwritten in any case because they belong to neither branch.

Could this be the way to go for you?


On Friday, February 20, 2015 at 11:39:28 AM UTC+1, Rainer M Krug wrote:
> Hi
> I have two brances, one master and one dev.
> I have two directories with results (./output and ./cache) from an 
> analysis. As these are quite big files, I do not want to have them in my 
> dev branch, but would like to have them in my master branch, as I have 
> there my different stages og=f the analysis which should contain the source 
> code as well as the binary results.
> So far so good - I have .gitignore under git, so that in the dev btanch, 
> .gitignore contains the two directories, i.e. they are excluded, while the 
> .gitignore in the master branch does not contain these directories, sdo 
> they are not ignored but submitted.
> Now my problem and question: 
> When I am in dev and do ```git checkout master``` is the content of the 
> ./cache and ./output folders silently overwritten or am I warned that it 
> will be overwritten?
> going the other direction, i.e. being on master and doing ```git checkout 
> dev``` the files in ./cache and ./output are not restored to their original 
> dev versions. 
> I guess I could stash these before switching branches, but is there an 
> easier (read: more automated so that I do not forget to do it) way of 
> achieving this?
> I assume that this might be a more common scenario?
> Thanks,
> Rainer

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