On Wed, Sep 23, 2015 at 02:05:35AM -0700, Mathias Giacomuzzi wrote:
> Hello,
> I would like to switch from SVN to Git but I do not know how I should 
> handle the lib workflow. I have a lot of firmware projects which uses the 
> same libraries. Each lib is its own project developed In House or external.
> Firmware A dircetory tree:
>   libs/freertos (version x)
>   libs/lib1 (version3)
>   libs/lib2 (version1)
>   source
>   ..
>   ..
> Firmware B dircetory tree:
>   libs/freertos (version x)
>   libs/lib1 (version3)
>   libs/lib4 (version10)
>   source
>   ..
> ...
> In SVN I implemented that workflow with svn externals in git I tried 
> subtree => It works but i have no control about the version i use or i do 
> not find out how i can handle it if it is possible. Then I tried git 
> submodule i works and it seems to be the right thing for me. What I am 
> missing on the submodule stuff is the feature to use a specif tag
> for the submodule. So as an example i would like use a specific tag ... why 
> can I only use specific branches?
> [submodule "lib1"]
> path = lib/lib1
> url = lib1.git
> tag = version3
> this is possible
> [submodule "lib1"]
> path = lib/lib1
> url = lib1.git
> branch = version3
> So why is only a branch possible? Most of the libs uses tags as there 
> release workflow...
> Or what is the right workflow on git with external libs?

AFAIU submodules are pinned to specific changesets, so you can simply
change into the directory for the submodule and run `git checkout
my-tag`.  Then in the top directory you can commit this change.


Magnus Therning                      OpenPGP: 0xAB4DFBA4 
email: mag...@therning.org   jabber: mag...@therning.org
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