
in this case, you should have done a rebase instead of a merge, i.e. git
pull --rebase insted of merely git pull. This way your commits would get
replayed on top of the others, and no merge commit would exist.

On 3 Nov 2015 07:34, "Pranit Bauva" <pranit.ba...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey all!
> I am familiar with git but new to collaboration on project on github. I
> forked a repo (learnxinyminutes-docs) to make changes. I cloned it locally
> and made the required changes in the master branch only and committed it.
> Then I sent a pull request which got rejected. Now the project has new
> commits and it does not have mine. So the commit history is very different.
> And after merging it creates a new commit by my name. Now if I do some
> other changes, and then send a pull request, all my commits would show up.
> I got frustrated and deleted the whole repo, forked it and cloned it again.
> Where did I go wrong and what is the best practice ? And let's say if my
> pull request got accepted, then what changes should I make to my local repo?
> Regards,
> Pranit Bauva
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