Thanks for the suggestions.
Definitely will evaluate them as well.

On Tuesday, April 5, 2016 at 8:21:08 AM UTC-4, Konstantin Khomoutov wrote:
> On Mon, 4 Apr 2016 13:50:26 -0700 (PDT) 
> display_name_taken < <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > Thanks for the post Konstantin. 
> > There won't be many concurrent users (say 10) hence not many cloning 
> > at the same time. 
> > My main requirement was using git as some type of storage space with 
> > versioning capability. 
> Well, Git is optimized for handling small-to-middle-sized files and 
> assumes they don't change a lot between commits (this would be 
> understandable once you consider the user case it was created -- 
> and tailored -- for: working on the Linux kernel source code). 
> The Git's capability of "diffing" (comparing in a human-sensible way) 
> of the contents of files recorded in different commits also relies 
> on these files being textual, where "textual" means some 8-bit encoding 
> (typically UTF-8 but various ISO-* and Windows-* encodings would work 
> as well). 
> So, while Git is able to work with large files, and it's able to work 
> with binary files (including files containing text in weird encodings 
> such as UTF-16/UCS-2 etc) these are not the things it's optimized for 
> and you might find yourself dancing around Git trying to do it things 
> with your data which you intended to get "for free". 
> What I'm actually leading you to, is that it might turn out you might 
> not really need a full-blown version-control system because inherently 
> those are typically tailored for working on source code and other "plain 
> text" stuff.  Hence you might consider light-weight solutions intended 
> for versioned backups.  I suggest looking at rdiff-backup, attic and 
> obnam -- to name just a few.  All these systems allow you to 
> periodically "push" a new state of a filesystem hierarchy rooted in a 
> directory to "a server" (which might reside on a local machine), which 
> would effectively store this new snapshot using various 
> deduplication/delta compression techniques, allow to inspect the list 
> of "revisions" and extract files from any selected revision. 
> A "winning" feature compared to Git is that they in most cases allow 
> to prune past revisions -- which might or might not be useful for your 
> use case. 
> All-in-all, if all you're concerned with is disk storage then Git is 
> relatively OK with it -- provided your data does not change too much 
> between adjacent commits (obviously, if you store 100MB worth of data 
> in a commit and then store 100MB of completely different data in the 
> next commit, that second commit won't be well-compressible compared to 
> the previous one and you'll end up with some 200MB of data in the 
> repository). 

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