I'm trying to review all the commits that touch the string 'MSVC' within the
code (as part of https://github.com/git-for-windows/git/pull/256).

I've used 'git log -SMSVC --pretty='tformat:%h (%s,
%ad)' --date=short --reverse' to get a nice list of those commits.

However I seem to be getting lots of duplicate commits. That is, the commit
messages appear to be identical, but their sha1 values are different. e.g.

bf1a7ff (MinGW: disable CRT command line globbing, 2011-01-07)
a05e9a8 (MinGW: disable CRT command line globbing, 2011-01-07)
45cfa35 (MinGW: disable CRT command line globbing, 2011-01-07)
1d35390 (MinGW: disable CRT command line globbing, 2011-01-07)
022e029 (MinGW: disable CRT command line globbing, 2011-01-07)

So I'm trying to understand why these duplicates are occuring, and if
correct, where they all remerge back into the git main line.

Using 'gitk --all' does indicate they are real, so I'm trying to get a
handle on how to sumarise these lines of development. Ultimately to make
sure that my PR to get the Visual Studio project script working actually
targets the correct operating stack (Msys/Msys2/MinGw??).

Any suggestion on how best to visualise the 'MSVC' development and
understand (or remove?) these "duplicates"?

[Just noticed.. it may be that these are duplicates on the maintenance
tracks, but I still don't see how to simplify to log]


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