Hi , ALL
I don't understand .gitignore well, how should i make it?

my git version is
1. "Trailing spaces are ignored unless they are quoted with backslash ("\")." 
 seem not always work.  *end '/'  with or without t**railing spaces will be 
differnet, in my test.*

2. in my opinion, why logic of gitignore is so strange? Office 
Documentation is not clear:

1)  i guess rules of format pattern is take one by one like* if ...:then 
... [elif ... : ...]+ else:...* so the last  leading slash "*/pattern*" how 
to work? logically , before has some *Otherwise, is it strange that some if 
after final else?  and how pattern to be solved ?my understanding is 

2) "Git treats it as a shell glob pattern and checks for a match against 
the pathname relative to the location of the .gitignore file (relative to 
the toplevel of the work tree if not from a .gitignore file)."* i don't 
understand it personally, how shell glob pattern work , and how function 
parametrs set ?* and  then stackoverflow some results 
i retest it and find this rule will try  recursive the directory tree to 
find possible pattern matchs. Is the above url's understanding correct?

3)  the overall logic seem *strange and unclear* for me personally, it 
seems i have to read source code to get all logic.
*I don't feel clear enough neither the big picture nor the details to 
design .gitignore. *for example, why we can reinclude subdirectory but not 

Sorry for my stupid questions, thanks very much for listening my 

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