I just don't get it.

I work on some files and push/merge them to the remote server. Sometimes I 
get merge conflicts on those files and have to fix them. That's completely 
fine. I get that.

What I don't understand is that sometimes during this process I will get 
merge conflicts in files *I have never touched*. In fact they're in a 
completely different series of directories to the one I am working on and 
someone else's project entirely. How am I meant to know how to fix these? I 
don't know what the other developer wanted to do and if they've done it 

I thought git only merged/pushed the files you've changed? If someone else 
has changed Group A files on the remote repo, why must I change my local 
Group A files when I am *pushing *completely different set of Group B 

Sure, I'd understand if I were pulling files down to my local and had to 
resolve merge conflicts then, but this isnt happening when I push the files 

Any help or advice is much appreciated. Sorry if I sound frustrated - I am 
really trying hard to get my head round this whole git thing but it's just 
so weird.

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