On Tuesday, December 5, 2017 at 9:14:58 AM UTC-6, Philippe Godfrin wrote:
> Folks,
> Forgive my noobyness. What I am doing to learn Git is I have a 'central 
> repo' (which is not really a central) as a directory structure on a hared 
> network drive (windows H: drive). I have Git and Giteye installed. The repo 
> on the H: drive looks like this:
>     Directory: H:\DBA_PROD\mssql
> Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
> ----                -------------         ------ ----
> d-----       11/30/2017  11:05 AM                procs
> d-----       11/30/2017  10:12 AM                sql
> <snip>
> I added an empty repo and then made a PROD branch. Added files to the prod 
> branch, committed the files. then I checked out a devel branch. Then I 
> cloned the devel branch to my local drive. I've added and deleted files 
> from the local branch. Now I want to get the local devel branch to the 
> 'remote' devel branch (on the H: drive). I'm using Giteye as opposed to git 
> commands...
> Push upstream didn't work - seems to come back OK, but the deleted files 
> don't get deleted (on the H: drive, and the new files don't appear). Merge 
> makes the local and 'remote' history appear the same, but yest the files 
> have not been changed.
> Clearly I have no idea what I'm doing (which is why I'm trying to 
> learn...).
> anyone, please help?
> much thanks,
> phil
> OK Folks, I think I figured it out. the order has to be just right 
(naturally). I've created a master, prod and devel repo on the network, 
cloned local copies, pushed up changes through prod and into master. Now I 
need to document it.


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