Dear diary, on Thu, Apr 14, 2005 at 01:14:13PM CEST, I got a letter
where Junio C Hamano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> told me that...
> Here is a diff to update the git-merge.perl script I showed you
> earlier today ;-).  It contains the following updates against
> your HEAD (bb95843a5a0f397270819462812735ee29796fb4).

Bah, you outran me. ;-)

>  * git-merge.perl command we talked about on the git list.  I've
>    covered the changed-to-the-same case etc.  I still haven't done
>    anything about file-vs-directory case yet.
>    It does warn when it needed to run merge to automerge and let
>    merge give a warning message about conflicts if any.  In
>    modify/remove cases, modified in one but removed in the other
>    files are left in either $path~A~ or $path~B~ in the merge
>    temporary directory, and the script issues a warning at the
>    end.

I think I will take it rather my working git merge implementation - it's
getting insane in bash. ;-)

I'll change it to use the cool git-pasky stuff (commit-id etc) and its
style of committing - that is, it will merely record the update-caches
to be done upon commit, and it will read-tree the branch we are merging
to instead of the ancestor. (So that git diff gives useful output.)

>  * show-files and ls-tree updates to add -z flag to NUL terminate records;
>    this is needed for git-merge.perl to work.
>  * show-diff updates to add -r flag to squelch diffs for files not in
>    the working directory.  This is mainly useful when verifying the
>    result of an automated merge.

-r traditionally means recursive - what's the reasoning behind the
choice of this letter?

>  * update-cache updates to add "--cacheinfo mode sha1" flag to register
>    a file that is not in the current working directory.  Needed for
>    minimum-checkout merging by git-merge.perl.
> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ---
>  git-merge.perl |  247 
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
>  ls-tree.c      |    9 +-
>  show-diff.c    |   11 +-
>  show-files.c   |   12 ++
>  update-cache.c |   25 +++++
>  5 files changed, 296 insertions(+), 8 deletions(-)
> diff -x .git -Nru ,,1/git-merge.perl ,,2/git-merge.perl
> --- ,,1/git-merge.perl        1969-12-31 16:00:00.000000000 -0800
> +++ ,,2/git-merge.perl        2005-04-14 04:00:14.000000000 -0700
> @@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
> +#!/usr/bin/perl -w
> +
> +use Getopt::Long;

use strict?

> +
> +my $full_checkout = 0;
> +my $oneside_checkout = 0;
> +GetOptions("full" => \$full_checkout,
> +        "oneside" => \$oneside_checkout)
> +    or die;
> +
> +if ($full_checkout) {
> +    $oneside_checkout = 1;
> +}
> +
> +sub read_rev_tree {
> +    my (@head) = @_;
> +    my ($fhi);
> +    open $fhi, '-|', 'rev-tree', '--edges', @head
> +     or die "$!: rev-tree --edges @head";
> +    my %common;
> +    while (<$fhi>) {
> +     chomp;
> +     (undef, undef, my @common) = split(/ /, $_);
> +     for (@common) {
> +         if (s/^([a-f0-f]{40}):3$/$1/) {
> +             $common{$_}++;
> +         }
> +     }
> +    }
> +    close $fhi;
> +
> +    my @common = (map { $_->[1] }
> +               sort { $b->[0] <=> $a->[0] }
> +               map { [ $common{$_} => $_ ] }
> +               keys %common);
> +
> +    return $common[0];
> +}

It'd be simpler to do just

        my @common = (map { $common{$_} }
                      sort { $b <=> $a }
                      keys %common)

But I really think this is a horrible heuristic. I believe you should
take the latest commit in the --edges output, and from that choose the
base whose rev-tree --edges the_base merged_branch has the least lines
on output. (That is, the path to it is shortest - ideally it's already
part of the merged_branch.)

> +
> +sub read_commit_tree {
> +    my ($commit) = @_;
> +    my ($fhi);
> +    open $fhi, '-|', 'cat-file', 'commit', $commit
> +     or die "$!: cat-file commit $commit";
> +    my $tree = <$fhi>;
> +    close $fhi;
> +    $tree =~ s/^tree //;
> +    return $tree;
> +}
> +
> +# Reads diff-tree -r output and gives a hash that maps a path
> +# to 3-tuple (old-mode new-mode new-sha).
> +# When creating, old-mode is undef.  When removing, new-* are undef.

What about

sub OLDMODE { 0 }
sub NEWMODE { 1 }
sub NEWSHA { 2 }

and then using that when accessing the tuple? Would make the code
much more readable.

> +sub read_diff_tree {
> +    my (@tree) = @_;
> +    my ($fhi);
> +    local ($_, $/);
> +    $/ = "\0"; 
> +    my %path;
> +    open $fhi, '-|', 'diff-tree', '-r', @tree
> +     or die "$!: diff-tree -r @tree";
> +    while (<$fhi>) {
> +     chomp;
> +     if (/^\*([0-7]+)->([0-7]+)\tblob\t[0-9a-f]+->([0-9a-f]{40})\t(.*)$/s) {
> +         $path{$4} = [$1, $2, $3];
> +     }
> +     elsif (/^\+([0-7]+)\tblob\t([0-9a-f]{40})\t(.*)$/s) {
> +         $path{$3} = [undef, $1, $2];
> +     }
> +     elsif (/^\-([0-7]+)\tblob\t[0-9a-f]{40}\t(.*)$/s) {
> +         $path{$2} = [$1, undef, undef];
> +     }
> +     else {
> +         die "cannot parse diff-tree output: $_";
> +     }
> +    }
> +    close $fhi;
> +    return %path;
> +}
> +
> +sub read_show_files {
> +    my ($fhi);
> +    local ($_, $/);
> +    $/ = "\0"; 
> +    open $fhi, '-|', 'show-files', '-z'
> +     or die "$!: show-files -z";
> +    my (@path) = map { chomp; $_ } <$fhi>;
> +    close $fhi;
> +    return @path;
> +}
> +
> +sub checkout_file {
> +    my ($path, $info) = @_;
> +    my (@elt) = split(/\//, $path);
> +    my $j = '';
> +    my $tail = pop @elt;
> +    my ($fhi, $fho);
> +    for (@elt) {
> +     mkdir "$j$_";
> +     $j = "$j$_/";
> +    }
> +    open $fho, '>', "$path";
> +    open $fhi, '-|', 'cat-file', 'blob', $info->[2]
> +     or die "$!: cat-file blob $info->[2]";
> +    while (<$fhi>) {
> +     print $fho $_;
> +    }
> +    close $fhi;
> +    close $fho;
> +    chmod oct("0$info->[1]"), "$path";
> +}
> +
> +sub record_file {
> +    my ($path, $info) = @_;
> +    system ('update-cache', '--add', '--cacheinfo',
> +         $info->[1], $info->[2], $path);
> +}
> +
> +sub merge_tree {
> +    my ($path, $info0, $info1) = @_;
> +    checkout_file(',,merge-0', $info0);
> +    checkout_file(',,merge-1', $info1);
> +    system 'checkout-cache', $path;
> +    my ($fhi, $fho);
> +    open $fhi, '-|', 'merge', '-p', ',,merge-0', $path, ',,merge-1';
> +    open $fho, '>', "$path+";
> +    local ($/);
> +    while (<$fhi>) { print $fho $_; }
> +    close $fhi;
> +    close $fho;
> +    unlink ',,merge-0', ',,merge-1';
> +    rename "$path+", $path;
> +    # There is no reason to prefer info0 over info1 but
> +    # we need to pick one.
> +    chmod oct("0$info0->[1]"), "$path";
> +}

It is a good idea to check merge's exit code and give a notice at the
end if there were any conflicts.

> +
> +# Find common ancestor of two trees.
> +my $common = read_rev_tree(@ARGV);
> +print "Common ancestor: $common\n";
> +
> +# Create a temporary directory and go there.
> +system 'rm', '-rf', ',,merge-temp';

Can't we call it just ,,merge?

> +for ((',,merge-temp', '.git')) { mkdir $_; chdir $_; }
> +symlink "../../.git/objects", "objects";
> +chdir '..';
> +
> +my $ancestor_tree = read_commit_tree($common);
> +system 'read-tree', $ancestor_tree;
> +
> +my %tree0 = read_diff_tree($ancestor_tree, read_commit_tree($ARGV[0]));
> +my %tree1 = read_diff_tree($ancestor_tree, read_commit_tree($ARGV[1]));
> +
> +my @ancestor_file = read_show_files();
> +my %ancestor_file = map { $_ => 1 } @ancestor_file;
> +
> +for (@ancestor_file) {
> +    if (! exists $tree0{$_} && ! exists $tree1{$_}) {
> +     if ($full_checkout) {
> +         system 'checkout-cache', $_;
> +     }
> +     print STDERR "O - $_\n";

Huh, what are you trying to do here? I think you should just record
remove, no? (And I wouldn't do anything with my read-tree. ;-)

> +    }
> +}
> +
> +for my $set ([\%tree0, \%tree1, 'A'], [\%tree1, \%tree0, 'B']) {
> +    my ($treeA, $treeB, $side) = @$set;
> +    while (my ($path, $info) = each %$treeA) {
> +     # In this loop we do not deal with overlaps.
> +     next if (exists $treeB->{$path});
> +
> +     if (! defined $info->[1]) {
> +         # deleted in this tree only.
> +         unlink $path;
> +         system 'update-cache', '--remove', $path;
> +         print STDERR "$side D $path\n";
> +     }
> +     else {
> +         # modified or created in this tree only.
> +         print STDERR "$side M $path\n";
> +         if ($oneside_checkout) {
> +             checkout_file($path, $info);
> +             system 'update-cache', '--add', "$path";
> +         } else {
> +             record_file($path, $info);
> +         }
> +     }
> +    }
> +}

Hmm, I think I will just need to play with the script a lot. ;-)

                                Petr "Pasky" Baudis
C++: an octopus made by nailing extra legs onto a dog. -- Steve Taylor
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