On Mon, Aug 06, 2012 at 05:31:00PM -0400, Ben Walton wrote:

> > I'm happy to spend a few cycles on it.  I don't have access to any
> > real Solaris boxes these days, but I imagine I can get OpenSolaris
> > running under VirtualBox without too much trouble...
> I'm also happy to do this work and have ready access to Solaris 8-11.

I'm currently in pkgutil hell trying to remember how to get a working
gcc on Solaris. Bleh. What kind of OS doesn't ship with a compiler by
default? :)

> Would it be reasonable to support using getpassphrase() if
> !HAVE_DEV_TTY in addition to making the HAVE_DEV_TTY code function on
> Solaris too?  That would provide a harm reduction for Solaris users
> that (for some reason) disabled the nicer interface...but maybe it's
> too much?

If you think there is a reason that somebody on Solaris might not want
to use HAVE_DEV_TTY, then I guess it makes sense. But I can't really
think of one, so I'd be just as happy to leave it until somebody does.

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