On Thu, Oct 04, 2012 at 09:39:02AM -0700, Junio C Hamano wrote:
> Assuming that we do want to match "x/y" with "x/**/y", I suspect
> that "'**' matches anything including a slash" would not give us
> that semantics. Is it something we can easily fix in the wildmatch
> code?

Something like this may suffice. Lightly tested with "git add -n".
Reading the code, I think we can even distinguish "match zero or more
directories" and "match one or more directories" with "/**/" and maybe
"/***/". Right now **, ***, ****... are the same. So are /**/, /***/,

-- 8< --
diff --git a/wildmatch.c b/wildmatch.c
index f153f8a..81eadc8 100644
--- a/wildmatch.c
+++ b/wildmatch.c
@@ -98,8 +98,12 @@ static int dowild(const uchar *p, const uchar *text,
          case '*':
            if (*++p == '*') {
+               int slashstarstar = p[-2] == '/';
                while (*++p == '*') {}
                special = TRUE;
+               if (slashstarstar && *p == '/' &&
+                   dowild(p + 1, text, a, force_lower_case) == TRUE)
+                   return TRUE;
            } else
                special = FALSE;
            if (*p == '\0') {
-- 8< --
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