Jeff Hostetler <> writes:

> In my brief testing, the existing porcelain status reports it as "AM"
> (for both a file with content and an empty file).
> The V2 code outputs the following:
> 1 AM N... 000000 100644 100644

OK, so they are consistent, which is good.

>> Having said all that, it is OK to fix their titles after the current
>> 9-patch series lands on 'next'; incremental refinements are easier
>> on reviewers than having to review too many rerolls.
> I'll change the test titles to have all that info.

OK.  As I said, if the retitling is the only change, then doing so
as a follow-up to the existing 9-patch series would be easier to
review.  If there are other changes needed, a reroll of the full set
is probably better.

>> This is a small point, but doesn't the lowercase 'u' somehow look
>> ugly, especially because the status letters that immediately follow
>> it are all uppercase?
> Since we are inventing a new format and my column 1 is completely new
> I didn't think it mattered.

Wrong assumption ;-)  We want the resulting code to be consistent.

> And I used a lowercase 'u' to distinguish
> it from the "U" in the X and Y columns since they mean different
> things.

I thought they both mean "Unmerged"; that is why I thought seeing a
lowercase there was very strange.

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