On 21 October 2012 18:31, Mike Norman <mknor...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Many links on scm-git.org/docs simply reload the page.
> For example, all of Sharing and Updating section simply reload the
> docs page. And tons others. Must be a broken link or routing problem.
> Repros on FF 14.0.1 and Chrome. Good luck!

Including Scott Chacon as he manages this site (to my knowledge).

Looking at the request, I am getting a 302:

Request URL:http://git-scm.com/docs/git-fetch
Request Method:GET
Status Code:302 Moved Temporarily

Maybe those pages are not done yet? That doesn't seem right as this is
simply the reference manual, but perhaps there is something else going
on here.

On another (related) note, the wayback machine has some very
interesting entries for the scm-git.org domain [1] and it seems the
/doc directory is not indexed at all. Is this on purpose?


Andrew Ardill

[1] http://wayback.archive.org/web/*/http://git-scm.com/*
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