On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 01:59:31PM -0800, Stefan Beller wrote:

>   This applies to the repo at https://github.com/git/git.github.io

Thanks. I've applied and pushed, though I'll admit I didn't really read
it carefully for content. A few of the ideas look like they would need
to be aggregated to be big enough for a SoC project, but that can be
fleshed out in future patches (i.e., I don't think we care enough about
history to have people polish and re-roll what are essentially wiki

If you (or anybody interested in working on this) would prefer direct
push access to the git.github.io repo, I'm happy to set that up.

>   If you're looking for a co-admin/mentors, I can help out.

I may take you up on the co-admin thing. I think it's good to have a
backup, just in case.

Anything you put on the Ideas page, you should probably be willing to
mentor. We definitely _don't_ want Ideas that don't have a mentor.
I think in general that each idea should have the possible mentors
listed below it.


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