On Sat, Dec 15, 2012 at 10:07:54AM +0700, Nguyen Thai Ngoc Duy wrote:

> > If get_foo() is not inlined, then when compiling some_fun, gcc sees only
> > that a pointer to the local variable is passed, and must assume that it
> > is an out parameter that is initialized after get_foo returns.
> >
> > However, when get_foo() is inlined, the compiler may look at all of the
> > code together and see that some code paths in get_foo() do not
> > initialize the variable. And we get the extra warnings.
> Other options:
>  - Any __attribute__ or #pragma to aid flow analysis (or would gcc dev be
>    willing to add one)?

I looked through the full list of __attribute__ flags and couldn't find
anything that would help.

>  - Maintain a list of false positives and filter them out from gcc output?

I think it would be just as simple to use the "int foo = foo" hack,
which accomplishes the same thing without any post-processing step.

> And if we do this, should we support other compilers as well? I tried
> clang once a long while ago and got a bunch of warnings iirc.

I don't use clang myself, but I don't have any problem with other people
submitting patches to clean up its warnings, provided they don't make
the code harder to read or write.

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