On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 1:47 PM, Duy Nguyen <pclo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 18, 2018 at 6:36 PM, SZEDER Gábor <szeder....@gmail.com> wrote:
>> This series, queued as 'nd/shared-index-fix', makes the 32 bit Linux
>> build job fail on Travis CI.  Unfortunately, all it can tell us about
>> the failure is this:
>>   Test Summary Report
>>   -------------------
>>   t1700-split-index.sh                             (Wstat: 256 Tests: 23
>>   Failed: 1)
>>     Failed test:  23
>>     Non-zero exit status: 1
>>   Files=809, Tests=18491, 401 wallclock secs ( 7.22 usr  1.60 sys + 263.16
>>   cusr 49.58 csys = 321.56 CPU)
>>   Result: FAIL
>> because it can't access the test's verbose log due to lack of
>> permissions.
>>   https://travis-ci.org/git/git/jobs/329681826#L2074
> I may need help getting that log (or even better the trash directory
> of t1700). 

Well, shower thoughts gave me an idea, see the included PoC patch below.
I can't really decide whether it's too clever or too ugly :)

It produces output like this (a previous WIP version without


  -- >8 --

Subject: [PATCH] travis-ci: include the trash directories of failed tests in
 the trace log

The trash directory of a failed test might contain valuable
information about the cause of the failure, but we have no access to
the trash directories of Travis CI build jobs.  The only feedback we
get from there is the trace log, so...

Modify 'ci/print-test-failures.sh' to create a tar.gz archive of the
test directory of each failed test and encode it with base64, so the
result is a block of ASCII text that can be safely included in the
trace log, along with a hint about how to restore it.  Furthermore,
run tests with '--immediate' to faithfully preserve the failed state.

A few of our tests create a sizeable trash directory, so limit the
size of each included base64-encoded block, let's say, to 1MB.


  - The logs of Linux build jobs coming from Travis CI have mostly
    CRLF line endings, which makes 'base64 -d' from 'coreutils'
    complain about "invalid input"; it has to be converted to LF
    first.  'openssl base64 -d' can grok it just fine, even without

  - The logs of OSX build jobs have CRCRLF line endings.  However, the
    'base64' util of OSX doesn't wrap its output at 76 columns, i.e.
    prints one single albeit very long line.  This means that while
    'base64' from 'coreutils' still complains, by the time it gets to
    the invalid input it already decoded everything and produced a
    valid .tar.gz.  OTOH, 'openssl base64 -d' doesn't grok it, but
    exits without any error message or even an error code, even after
    converting to CRLF or LF line endings.

    Go figure.

Signed-off-by: SZEDER Gábor <szeder....@gmail.com>
 ci/lib-travisci.sh        |  2 +-
 ci/print-test-failures.sh | 20 ++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/ci/lib-travisci.sh b/ci/lib-travisci.sh
index 1efee55ef7..981c6e9504 100755
--- a/ci/lib-travisci.sh
+++ b/ci/lib-travisci.sh
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ fi
 export DEVELOPER=1
 export GIT_PROVE_OPTS="--timer --jobs 3 --state=failed,slow,save"
-export GIT_TEST_OPTS="--verbose-log"
+export GIT_TEST_OPTS="--verbose-log --immediate"
 export GIT_TEST_CLONE_2GB=YesPlease
 case "$jobname" in
diff --git a/ci/print-test-failures.sh b/ci/print-test-failures.sh
index 4f261ddc01..cc6a1247a4 100755
--- a/ci/print-test-failures.sh
+++ b/ci/print-test-failures.sh
@@ -23,5 +23,25 @@ do
                echo "$(tput setaf 1)${TEST_OUT}...$(tput sgr0)"
                cat "${TEST_OUT}"
+               TEST_NAME="${TEST_EXIT%.exit}"
+               TEST_NAME="${TEST_NAME##*/}"
+               TRASH_DIR="t/trash directory.$TEST_NAME"
+               TRASH_TGZ_B64="$TEST_NAME.trash.base64"
+               if [ -d "$TRASH_DIR" ]
+               then
+                       tar czp "$TRASH_DIR" |base64 >"$TRASH_TGZ_B64"
+                       if [ 1048576 -lt $(wc -c <"$TRASH_TGZ_B64") ]
+                       then
+                               # larger than 1MB
+                               echo "$(tput setaf 1)Trash directory of 
'$TEST_NAME' is too big to be included in the trace log$(tput sgr0)"
+                       else
+                               echo "$(tput setaf 1)Trash directory of 
'$TEST_NAME':$(tput sgr0)"
+                               echo "(Extract it to a file from the raw log, 
make sure it has Unix line endings, then run 'base64 -d <file> |tar vxzp' to 
restore it)"
+                               cat "$TRASH_TGZ_B64"
+                               echo "$(tput setaf 1)End of trash directory of 
'$TEST_NAME'$(tput sgr0)"
+                       fi
+               fi

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