On Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 8:46 PM, Eric Sunshine <sunsh...@sunshineco.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 22, 2018 at 1:27 PM, SZEDER Gábor <szeder....@gmail.com> wrote:

>>   - The logs of OSX build jobs have CRCRLF line endings.  However, the
>>     'base64' util of OSX doesn't wrap its output at 76 columns, i.e.
>>     prints one single albeit very long line.  This means that while
> Perhaps you could pipe the 'base64' output through 'fold' or 'fmt'?

No need to, according to its manpage[1], OSX's base64 has an option to
wrap lines after given number of characters.  Of course it uses a
different letter for the option than the coreutils base64... :)

(While long lines are ugly, in this particular case it comes handy: when
using vim to extract the base64-encoded section from the log to a
separate file, it's less keystrokes to yank a single line than to search
for the end of the encoded section.)

[1] - 

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